How to rent a house or office easily? How to sell your home or a property in general by understanding its value?
Let’s face it: there are properties that cannot be sold or rented, even if they are presented in a decent and appropriate way.
In fact, they fail to attract buyers and tenants or the few interested parties then prove inconclusive when signing the contract.
Sometimes an excellent promotional campaign is not enough: to rent or sell a house you need to use Feng Shui techniques.
Each property contains not only visibly tangible spatial conformations, but also energetic ones, equally perceptible on an unconscious and instinctual level by each of us.
Although society pushes us to be rational and technological, there are still instincts that guide us, first of all that of survival.
Man – if he is able to listen to himself and not give rise to external influences – knows how to perceive his own position in space in relation to a possible threat. For this reason, some structures are not attractive, appearing unattractive.