Feng Shui is a discipline of Chinese origin that studies how humans can make the best of their surroundings.
It originated more than 5,000 years ago and is in continuous development precisely because living and working spaces have evolved over time, as has the world.
Feng Shui principles are based on the concept of Tao i.e., from the worldview that sees everything as an eternal dance of yin and yang, constantly moving and changing: everything is constantly transforming, everything is flowing and in the flowing it generates forces.
Taoist culture is based on simple yet deep concepts, so profound that their importance is often forgotten.
The term “Feng Shui” literally means “wind and water,” two active forces that define the land by shaping mountains, hills, plateaus, and tracing valleys and basins.
It was originally the preserve of the emperors of ancient China, used as a tool to define their possessions and thus to dictate strategies for expansion and conquest.
Although it originated in China, it is a universal discipline, since it deals with the deep part of the individuals and with the rediscovery of their natural instincts that are generally silenced by convention.
Feng Shui is independent of the geographical area previously mentioned, and despite this, it is able to show those who use it how to position themselves and use the land for maximum benefit.